Rally Update!

As you probably know, Cris and I have signed up for the Superlative Adventure Club’s Baltic Sea Circle Rally 2021, but what you don’t know is why or what has happened so far.

A few months ago, Cris was in a Facebook Spiral and came across an advertisement for the Baltic Sea Circle Rally. It sounded like a cool adventure so he mentioned it to me, and that’s where this all began! 

Suffering from the pandemic lockdown I was eager to have a new travel project, so I jumped at it. Originally, I built this very website as a platform to talk about the Rally, since then it has morphed into the blog you are reading, but that’s not important to this post. We then decided to raise money for Crew Nation, a relief fund that supports entertainment employees that have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. The next step was to raise money. I learned, rather quickly, the challenges of setting up a Personal Facebook Fundraiser, and a PayPal donation account, but managed to make it work. 

Thank you to everyone that has donated so far, we couldn’t do this without you!!

Now that the fundraiser is going, we have 2 new tasks in front of us, pick a team name, and get sponsors. We have registered ourselves to the rally with the team name of “Now What?!?”. This is our temporary name because after 4 days of thinking and negotiating a name we couldn’t come up with anything that we were really happy with. This is where you come in! We want to hear what you think a good race team name would be for us. Please put your suggestions in the comments below, and we will pick a name before the end of the year. 

The second task is to get sponsors, we are trying to solidify sponsorship package options that we could present to businesses and individuals hopefully we will have that ready soon. We will be offering logo stickers of different sizes as well as company mentions on the website and on our social channels, for varying donation amounts. If you know any businesses that might be interested please send them our way!! I’m not totally sure how this one is going to work but I have visions of Cris and I knocking on doors like the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I can just hear it “Knock, knock….Do you have 5 minutes to talk about an awesome rally?”

Hopefully, we come up with something slightly more clever than that, but I will keep you posted. In the meantime, let us know your Team Name suggestions, and if you can please donate by clicking the button below!

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